Thursday, November 24, 2011

What I Hate About Xbox Live

Top 5 Most Annoying Things About Xbox live

Don’t you guys sometimes hate Xbox live? Well I know I do, here are my worst five factors of Xbox Live

5. Hackers
Ok, I HATE hackers, and you know why? Because they just make the game boring. For example, in Call of Duty Black Ops you have a ten kill streak and your about to get an attack helicopter, then guess what. A million grenades spam out of nowhere and first, they make your game really laggy, then they all explode at once and KABOOM your dead x_x, gone. I think hackers are just some fat people with really thick glasses sitting behind a chair drinking red bull and eating chips, and that’s what I think they look like and do all day. That’s my message to hackers, and by the way my blogs probably going to get hacked after this by some fat guy with thick glasses uh oh i’m so scared... I can just imagine that huge fat guy knocking on my door saying “hey you, take back that post or I'll sit on you!”.

4. Updates for Games
I hate these because they appear before you get to play the game, like when you open the game it says “You must update this game or you will be signed off of Xbox live”. This sucks when it happens because if you update it it takes forever (on my Xbox) and then when its done you forget what you wanted to do, and of there’s one thing i hate doing it’s forgetting. But I will say, there is a good side to updating games, the game has less bugs and also turns more immune to fat people with thick glasses (hackers).

3. Weird Typers
So I hat wird tiprs becas tey typ lke tis. Do you see how annoying that is? I know tht their trying to be fast and stuff but I just HATE how the do that, I mean cant you just take the time to write a simple sentence like “Dude that guy just got so owned”, but of course instead they say “Dud tht gy jst gt owd”.

2. Braggers
I hate braggers. I just do. You know, I think its fine when I die in Halo or Call of Duty but when your playing, you die and then you hear some guy saying “OHHHHHH OHHHHH OHHH YOU JUST GOT OWNED MAN YOU TOTALLY JUST GOT OOOOOWWWWWWNNNNNNEEEEEDDDD MAN WOW DUDES DID YOU SEE THAT GUY JUST GET OWNED BY ME?!”. I mean really? I know i’m already getting my eyes ruined by watching the Xbox screen so long but i don’t need my ears to get ruined too. In my opinion braggers are probably just some guys that don’t feel good about themselves, so when they kill someone their not satisfied with killing them, they want to pop their eardrums two.

1. The Xbox Microphone
This is a little torture device used by the Microsoft company to get information out of people, just kidding. But this thing is really annoying sometimes, like when your trying to ply and some guy yells “AWWWWWW CMON I JUST GOD FREAKING KILLED!!”. Or like when some person comes in the room right when some online guy yells a bunch of bad words, like picture this.
Person enters room: Hi
Xbox: F***ing S*** i just F***ing died!
Me: Ummm, hi?

So thnx fr rdn and ths is wat I hat about xbx liv. But dont got me wrong, Xbox live is really fun to play on.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

You know what, I think it would be good to talk about some youtube videos that talk about games. So this one is called Halo Reach Fails of the Weak. I think this one is really funny because it shows all the stupid fails and glitches that occur to players in Halo. Great job Jack and Geoff, I think these videos are funny because usually the fails aren't on purpose so its pretty good. If you want to have a good laugh and you like Halo this is the video for you. Now, I have a message to slow internet providers all over the world. First of all I want to thank for making these really cool (retarded) internet servers (pieces of crud). I respect (hate) your work and all I want to say is that I love you (f off), thank you for making my life a lot easier (ruining my life).

Monday, November 14, 2011

What I Think About 007 Golden Eye

Hmm... whats that green thing in the picture. A frog? No. A piece of slime? No. Oh! I got it its a square! No, but very close. Its a soldier from golden eye. I dont know what you guys think but I don’t think that looks like a soldier. I mean, look I respect that golden eye is the very first first person shooter ever, but still that so called soldier looks more like a square. No offense to those really old fashion people. Talking about old fashion people, look what some guy said to my older article “When I was a boy, I played pong and my family watched and cheered me on. I enjoyed this game. Honestly, I'm willing to bet that if kids play this game, they will actually enjoy it to. It's not just about the graphics. Call me old fashion. Glen” Hmm his family cheered him on to pong really? This game is probably really really really really really really far in the future for him if his family cheered him on to pong. Oh yeah and Glen, I think that some average American kid would gladly play their favorite game on Xbox for hours rather than play Pong for hours. So Glen, call me living in the 21 century. Sorry for going a little off topic there, now back to Golden Eye. My biggest issue with Golden Eye is inverted (and I'm betting Glen plays inverted two.) and I hate inverted because it stops me from playing right. Ok that about wraps up this article.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Now I will be reviewing Ghost recon 2 I rate this game 4 stars because I think its really fun and addictive but like I said I don’t like the idea of killing humans so that is why this game lost a star. The main reason I like this game is because it is half first person and half third person. The game is based a little bit in the future because you have a little visor for your eye in the game and that visor might not look like much, but it is very useful e.g. it helps you spot enemies when otherwise you could not see them so easily. Enemies from far away are small in this game so it makes it a lot easier to see them when it marks them with a big clear red diamond. I know this because there is a mission in the game where you get knocked off a truck and you lose your visor so there goes spotting enemies. Anyway I think its a great game and if you like stealth games you should buy this one.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What I Think About Halo Reach

Right now I will review Halo Reach. From now on to make your lives easier if you dont want to read what I say I will also include star rating. So, Halo Reach in my opinion deserves its five stars because to me, I have and I think its a great game. I think Halo Reach is a great game because of the graphics, and many other reasons similar to Call of Duty. But I think its better than call of duty because I am a fan of in-game usable vehicles, and Halo Reach has many of those. For example, in halo on campaign you could easy hijack an alien ghost (a ghost is a Halo vehicle) and get a splatter spree. Another reason is that I prefer games that you don’t kill humans. I would much rather play halo than Call of Duty because in halo you kill aliens. Here's a picture of the alien I find most pathetically swarming and annoying me. If im not mistaken they are called the Yanme'e wow even there names are annoying, here try pronouncing there name right ten times without pausing. I think its impossible. There first appearance was in Halo 2 and that first appearance was the worst mistake the halo creators ever made. Imagine its your first time playing Halo your just walking through a corridor in Halo and then suddenly one of these flying alien swarms busts through the window on you right and you say “OH NO THE YANMEES! um yanmas huh yamos wait what?..” Even the characters in the game just call them buggers. Yanme'es are weak though and thats why if you manage to hit them, they die quickly.

Monday, October 31, 2011

What I Think About Call Of Duty

Right now I should probably get to reviewing some games. The first one I will review is Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, or mw3 for short. Now, all my friends that like Call of Duty (COD) are really excited for this game to come out and, and being a COD fan myself so am I. Now I've looked into the game and I think it will be really fun to play, because it has great graphics, its more challenging because you die faster, there are many weapons to choose from, etc. If mw3 is better than COD black ops than it will be a great game. The things I have always liked about COD is that 1. Its a first person shooter and I like those 2. COD has had really good graphics since COD 2. I got COD 2 demo and I expected it to have cruddy graphics, then I actually played it and I was so surprised! It had great graphics.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Worst Gaming Systems Out There

There are some horrible game systems out there and some people don't know them. If you don’t know them and you want to find out read on! Here are my worst five(these are really valuable though). 

5. The original Nintendo game-boy. This thing is horrible! All the games have only two colors black and green! This is the 21st century. If you play games a lot on weekends then why would you want to stare at a black and green screen all day if you could rather use an Xbox or PS3. 
4. The Odyssey. Really? the only person that would have this in there house is a collector. Its not for the type that likes to play video games. Yeah maybe this thing would be fun the first or second time you played it but it would get really boring after the third time you played it. This thing is so old that they have a prototype in the Smithsonian Museum. 

3. The Telstar. Picture this, Its 29/8/2011 and its your birthday. Your so excited to get your last present because all the other ones were clothes and boring stuff. So the moment your friend gives you the present you rip off the wrapper and its a! Telstar. Yay. Woohoo. I can play three versions of Pong that all look the same. I'm so happy. 

2. Philips Odyssey. There not much to explain on this one all I need to say is that the Odyssey is bad enough... so why did they make another one? 

1. Pong. This is by far the worst video game console ever. The only thing good about this one is that they don't make it anymore. Its HUGE, you cant carry it and the only game it plays is pong. So, those are in my opinion the worst five game consoles. But hey, these things are still worth ALOT of money, I'm only judging it by how much fun it would be to play these instead of an Xbox, Wii, or PlayStation.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Hello, my name is Michael and I will be making a video game blog. My blog will feature video game reviews and my personal opinion about them. The games I will be reviewing are games for the PC, Xbox, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 3 and many more. I will also be saying the newest games that are coming out and telling you reviews about those as well. In my blog I will include some videos (most likely trailers) and photos of the games I will be reviewing or talking about. I will also include specific information of the game for example, ESRB age rating, average star rating and more. I will include links to websites that show these ratings as well, just in case you want to know what source the information is from. I will occasionally also show video walk throughs and cheats to get better things in the game and things like that.