Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Ok, I apologize to mr.Hysteric Laugh for completely crushing his pathetic blog. No, but really, I am apologizing for writing that previous post because his blog is actually pretty good, even I think some of his jokes are funny (well, some...). Ok, not that the boring stuff is over, I wanted to talk about some strange things I have been noticing in my blog. For starters, I was just derpin on my blog on day and I noticed something, take a look at this...

If you're looking at these and thinking I have no life at all in me whatsoever, let me tell you something, these times are WRONG. Yup, wrong, פאַלש , špatně, погрешно, 错误, and for you martians, glorp. I’m still trying to find out why these things are wrong, I thought google was a super genius, and also, he was my one and only friend, but not now, no... Google betrayed me, he framed me!!! Ok, I have more friends than only google (eg. cleverbot), but really, I have real life friends. Well, back to the subject at the beginning about mr.Hysteric Laugh. He got down on his knees and begged me to help him with his pathetic blog and showed me this face...

Soo, I accepted the challenge. Now, I will be participating in some of his blog posts. So check it out, it’s going to be awesome!!

Monday, November 5, 2012


Well, I haven’t got many form responses yet, at least not enough to make a post, but I can review a blog. Well the first blog I will review is a not so common blog (probably for good) (hystericlaughing.blogspot.cz.). In this blog is the author is just writing, I mean copying jokes and writing stuff about them. Yeah, a joke blog is pretty original, like the other millions of joke blogs on the internet, here, I even have a link of thousands of joke blogs (http://www.networkedblogs.com/topic/Jokes). Yup, I’ve been sitting here for a while, Ive recently reached one hundred blogs by scrolling down the list, cool, and for some reason, they all seem better than hysteric laugh. But wait! There's more! this blog has like, five followers, CONGRATS man, I think you should win a metal, wow, I am so proud of you. this blog gets a 4/10. Well, my raging about some random dudes blog is over, and I have decided to put up ANOTHER survey to get more ideas because I didn't get enough results on the previous one, here is my work of art.

No link... sorry I just dont feel like crushing blogs.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Well, I am officially out of ideas. Yup, you heard me right. The smartest person in the universe has run out of ideas, we are all officially doomed, this is 2012. Therefore, for now, I want YOU to participate in what I write about next. At the bottom of this awesome post there is an awesome picture that I wrote on, and below that, there is a link to my survey. This survey can help bring back humor to the world... Please... Think of the children and fill out my blog survey; together, we can save the world. You can make a difference in this horrible industrial world, by filling out this industrial survey, on your laptop made by minimum wage workers... Ok, but seriously, I have run out of ideas, that last tiny blog post was the last idea squeezed out of my head, and now I have NONE, ZERO, NULA, KAPUT.


Thursday, October 11, 2012


Refresh, refresh, refresh, refresh... Guys, I need to clarify something that I forgot to clarify at the beginning. I do not sit at my computer and refresh my blog for extra page views all day, I have 300 pageviews and I don’t care, I write for fun. I mean, really? Instead of doing that I could do something active, like moving my fingers while playing Mw3. Who would waste their time refreshing their blog, if you could easily put a rock on Cmd and R and just go do something else? No, but seriously. I don’t sit there and refresh my computer all day. Now on to something COMPLETELY unrelated, remember when I made a post saying the worst video game systems out there? (if not look at it). Well I have decided to put a pac-man widget on my blog, so you guys can play it, enjoy (get a high score, mine is 309th, yay.)...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Portal 2

A game Review
By me
Portal two is a cooperative... hahaha, did you really think this post would be that boring! Well this is my first review post in a while so i'm having a hard time figuring out where to start. Hmm ok lets start with the tennis ball and the egg in the picture! The tennis ball and the egg are both part of the multiplayer feature in Portal Two. Well, about the multiplayer feature. I think its great that they added multiplayer to Portal, but there are some... lets say uhh “minor issues”. I mean, not with the gameplay or graphics those are both fine, but umm, well they might as well call multiplayer “the provoker”. If you know what I mean. I played this with my friend, and by the 3rd level it ended up a little like this.
Me: “Ok man, put the portal over there so we can get enough power to over there”
Me: *Point to random spot*
Him: *Places portal foot away from located spot (such an idiot)*
Me: *Jumps into Portal lands foot before ledge and falls*
Him: “Sorry man, lets try again”
Me: “Ok Sure”
And that was the first time it happened, let's see what happens the 20th time:
Him: *Places portal foot away from located spot again for twentieth time*
Me: *Jumps and misses*
Yup. Thats all for multiplayer. Well lets move on to campaign. I thought Glados died in number one, well guess what, I figured out that a little tennis ball robot activated her again. So I guess she is back to troll. Well, I can’t really say much about it because for some reason Glados (the robot that keeps you as a test subject) just wanted to troll me. My campaign is bugged and in one of the levels you need a friendship cube (yay) to stop a laser and allow a platform to fall, I think it’s level nine. Well, what happens is the friendship cube falls and then it just stays there. So, naturally, I go and try to pick it up. But guess what? The game just feels like trolling me and booooooom the cube automatically disintegrates into thin air, well I figure everything is normal so far, Glados can just help me out right? NOOOOOOOOOO she is just standing there watching me through her little troll cam and i’m left there asking Glados:
“Umm What are you doing?”
“Please Stahhhp”
Here, I made a little picture of what a this game should look like:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

THE LAST OF THE ME, uhh I mean boring posts

Hmm, you guys are probably wondering where I've been, or, if you hate me (probably because you're a hacker and I insulted your, well, umm, lets say “big bonedness” (random word skills (parenthesiception))) then you might be sad that I’m back. But if you read this blog, then you're probably wondering where I was. Well. Let me tell you. Hmm, let’s see ... Dubai, the US, went to see my family, and... yeah, that's pretty much it. To let you guys know: I'm lazy, and I'm telling you now, DO NOT RELY ON ME TO POST WEEKLY, because I probably won’t. And if you are one of the people who follow me, I will start blogging again starting now, but I just can't promise that I will keep this up. I really hope I will, but I might not. Well, that's it for the boring posts. LET THE POSTS BEGIN (soon).