Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Portal 2

A game Review
By me
Portal two is a cooperative... hahaha, did you really think this post would be that boring! Well this is my first review post in a while so i'm having a hard time figuring out where to start. Hmm ok lets start with the tennis ball and the egg in the picture! The tennis ball and the egg are both part of the multiplayer feature in Portal Two. Well, about the multiplayer feature. I think its great that they added multiplayer to Portal, but there are some... lets say uhh “minor issues”. I mean, not with the gameplay or graphics those are both fine, but umm, well they might as well call multiplayer “the provoker”. If you know what I mean. I played this with my friend, and by the 3rd level it ended up a little like this.
Me: “Ok man, put the portal over there so we can get enough power to over there”
Me: *Point to random spot*
Him: *Places portal foot away from located spot (such an idiot)*
Me: *Jumps into Portal lands foot before ledge and falls*
Him: “Sorry man, lets try again”
Me: “Ok Sure”
And that was the first time it happened, let's see what happens the 20th time:
Him: *Places portal foot away from located spot again for twentieth time*
Me: *Jumps and misses*
Yup. Thats all for multiplayer. Well lets move on to campaign. I thought Glados died in number one, well guess what, I figured out that a little tennis ball robot activated her again. So I guess she is back to troll. Well, I can’t really say much about it because for some reason Glados (the robot that keeps you as a test subject) just wanted to troll me. My campaign is bugged and in one of the levels you need a friendship cube (yay) to stop a laser and allow a platform to fall, I think it’s level nine. Well, what happens is the friendship cube falls and then it just stays there. So, naturally, I go and try to pick it up. But guess what? The game just feels like trolling me and booooooom the cube automatically disintegrates into thin air, well I figure everything is normal so far, Glados can just help me out right? NOOOOOOOOOO she is just standing there watching me through her little troll cam and i’m left there asking Glados:
“Umm What are you doing?”
“Please Stahhhp”
Here, I made a little picture of what a this game should look like:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

THE LAST OF THE ME, uhh I mean boring posts

Hmm, you guys are probably wondering where I've been, or, if you hate me (probably because you're a hacker and I insulted your, well, umm, lets say “big bonedness” (random word skills (parenthesiception))) then you might be sad that I’m back. But if you read this blog, then you're probably wondering where I was. Well. Let me tell you. Hmm, let’s see ... Dubai, the US, went to see my family, and... yeah, that's pretty much it. To let you guys know: I'm lazy, and I'm telling you now, DO NOT RELY ON ME TO POST WEEKLY, because I probably won’t. And if you are one of the people who follow me, I will start blogging again starting now, but I just can't promise that I will keep this up. I really hope I will, but I might not. Well, that's it for the boring posts. LET THE POSTS BEGIN (soon).